Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?


torsdag den 29. marts 2012

Nyt indlæg!

Jeg tænkte at det var på tide at opdatere lidt mit liv herovre.
Jeg har det rigtigt godt lige nu og jeg har fået en masse fantastiske gode venner ! Jeg vil aldrig nogensinde glemme denne her fantastiske tur og alle de mennesker jeg har mødt. 
Nogen gange føler jeg at jeg lever den Amerikanske teenage drøm især når man sidder i en bil fyldt med fantastiske venner, skrålende til højt musik og vinduet nede i en dejlig lun aften. Det vil jeg da kalde en teenage drøm. 
Cheerleading er som sagt overstået og jeg føler mig fri for nu har jeg rigtig tid til at være sammen med folk og bonde ! Selvom cheerleading har været en rigtig god oplevelse føler jeg at min rigtige sjove tid herovre først er begyndt. ¨
Det er rigtigt underligt at tænke på hvor lang tid det tog mig herovre før jeg havde det rigtigt godt. Men det har jeg i hvert fald nu! 
Jeg kan ikke tåle tanken om at forlade mine venner nu. 
Jeg er begyndt at være sammen med to piger Payton and Paige og de er rigtig søde og de går rigtig meget op i mode hvilket er ret fedt for mig. Vi er ret ens på rigtig mange områder hvilket også er super dejligt. 
Jeg vil rigtig gerne flytte til NYC med dem og en anden dreng der hedder Adam og det er vores store drøm!
Adam, Payton, Paige og jeg sad i bilen og så fik jeg den fantastiske idé at gifte ham for så kan jeg jo få citizenship !! Bare nogle år. Adam er bøsse by the way. 
Jeg er dybt seriøst det var min plan i dage, men men men... Ringede til min mor og hun sagde selvfølgelig at det går jo ikke helt og at jeg i hvert fald må tage en gymnasieuddannelse først, men du kan bande på at jeg kommer derover. Vi har alle fire aftalt at vi skal købe en lejlighed derovre, basta. 
Jeg er stadig rigtig gode venner med Rachael by the way (:
Slutter lige af med nogle billeder fra det sidste stykke tid!

For Chardon High School, skydderiet på Chardon som kun er en time væk fra min skole. Vi havde dem på for minde til alle dem der har lidt og stadig sørger.

Sidste kamp!
 Yaay Denmark and USA with Rachael!
 Cheer with Jess!
 Love these people!
Dem vi cheer for! Buckeye Varsity Basketball yeah! 
 De kalder mig MelDen, en goodieback fra coach!
Grunden til min "næsten" detention af skoleinspektøren.. Hullede bukser hvor farligt! 
 Laser tag, hvor man skyder hinanden med laser stråler haha grineren!
 Sneakede et billede med fra study hall, dette er Adam, haha love this kid! 

Imens vores study hall lærer var væk løb jeg hen til hans bord haha, det er forbudt at tage billeder eller rykke fra de faste pladser
 Joe på klaver, en af mine rigtig gode venner
 Sidst men ikke mindst ville det være en skam ikke at nævne at det er 28 grader i marts måned. I won't complain, nooopeee!

mandag den 26. marts 2012


Hi there! 
I apologize I haven't been writing much in here lately but I've both been really busy and I haven't been able
to get on the computer at home because my laptop died :(
I have loads to tell but I will do that in another one.
Thank you for all of your questions especially over E-mail, I will do what I can do to
answer them as good as I can, and I hope it will help you  (:
Let's get to it!

Did you feel like you were a part of the family from the beginning?
-My host family was very warm and welcoming when I first came in the airport. They had
signs and everything with my name on it and I knew that I would be safe with them. 
Was it easy to get friends?
- It's never easy to get friends a whole new place but I already exchanged number after day one and talked to a lot of people, because they're of course interested in you! (:
I don't have any host siblings on the High School so it made it especially hard to get friends.
But it takes time of course to find out which people you match with and so on. I never talk to the people I talked to in the beginning more than saying 'hello' and 'how are you' every now and then when you see them in the hallway. It takes time to bond with friends as well.
My social network gets bigger everyday and you get more and more friends along the way. I have a lots of great friends over here and I couldn't be more thankful. I'm extremely happy for the friends I've met here and is definitely the thing I value most over here.

How was it to start at an American High School?
-  First day was soooo confusing and overwhelming it was all so biig and new. Between classes there were so many people everywhere because it's not like Denmark where you stay in class but you change every period. I was late very often in the beginning, but it is all something you have to get used. Now I know exactly how much time I have between classes and I know if I can make it to my locker or go to the bathroom between. I love how it works!

Was people friendly and open?
- People were very friendly and open and I felt very welcomed! But it is important to be outgoing too, and talk to as many people as possible because you can't just expect them to come to you because they already got friends and a safe base and you probably need them more than they do. I started the relationship with my best friend over here by asking her after class if she wanted to hang out. Noow we text each other all the
time and we always hang out and have sleepovers. So just keep in mind that you need them more than they need you and they probably don't think about you needing friends. So be outgoing, talk and make friends (:

What is the most important thing that you've learned from the trip?
- The most important things that I've learned in the states was definitely that it made me grow up, got to know myself better, it made me more outgoing, learned a new culture, another language and I got more secure with myself. I can't describe how many things I've learned from this trip some of it the hard way but I appreciate that I did. I really started to value the important things in life and realized what really matters. It's probably hard to understand but it is really truly fascinating what you learn from this.

Do you think you've changed?
- Of course all the things I've learned over here made me change. And I feel like a completely other person than I was lets say two or three years ago. I see things differentely now and I start focusing on other stuff. But I will of course always be Melanie and some things will never change about me. It's not that my friends will see me as a whole other person at all I will still be Melanie and I will always be Melanie Breuning forever! (:

Did this trip reach your expecations?
- At some points it certainly reached my expectations and even more than that! At other points it didn't really go as expected and it of course dissapointed me at first but not something I think much about anymore.

What's been the best thing about the trip?
- The best thing has been all the amazing people I've met. I can't describe how much I appreciate them and it's so great to get an opportunaty like this!

Any other advices?
- It's important to give it time over there. Don't expect it to be fun from day one, that's what I did and that was terribly foolish of me. Of course it's exciting and new, but getting used to a new country, culture , school, family and friends all takes time. It took me a looongg time to get used to and I did miss Denmark a lot, and I would never have thought I would!
But it all depends on who you are of course some people just go over there living the American dream immediately and that's great! But for you guys who just feel like giving up over there because of the need to go home, just give it time!

fredag den 9. marts 2012


I made this because I've seen other exchange students doing it as well and I thought it would be a great idea to do it too!
I wrote this in English so everyone no matter where can ask me about everything about this trip.
If you're an exchange student or will be, thinking about it or just interested in how it is?
Ask me anything and I'll try as hard as I can to answer your question.
It can be for example about expectations, surprises, sacrifices, the learning experience or whatever comes to your mind! (:

Write or comment below or E-mail me :